Saturday, April 24, 2010


the united states people reagarding all these illegals will ... finally... there will be something done ,, no more rules, as far as defending their rights, as illegals have... no rights ,,, new laws ,,new powers given to the local police officers and county offices as to NOT give illegals any benefits ,,, the constitution will be amended with the rule that if you have an anchor child and the parents are NOT US citizens ,, the child will not be an american citizen,, watch for it ,,,it will shock the nation as finally there is a cleaning up of all the benefits.. that the sucker, or shall we say ..americans that had to pay for these worthless third worlders that have not earned the privilege of legally immigrated into the united states of america ... the game is over reforms ,,, the USA will not be a garbage dump for anyone to get their worthless asses into this golden county,,, americans are mad as hell and they are NOT going to take it anymore,, no more free lunch,,, no more benefits ,,no more anchor kids ,,, this is our country and we are taking it back,,,god bless the USA

1 comment:

  1. Hello Furgurl,
    Is there some way to contact you? I was looking for your most recent post and it seems this one is it. I am curious about the James Julian Bartee and grave plots at Pine Crest. Could you respond?
