Monday, February 8, 2010

predictions for the USA

there will be a million man and woman march on the whitehouse around april 15th 2010 as the people are fed up with the tough times and corruption of the us.. major scandle in the USA starting with the whitehouse down and there will be an informer ,, much like Deep Throat in the watergate times,,, a man will meet the informer underground somewhere and the corruption secrets will be flowing out,,, there will be 54 indictments and they will find that the taxpayers money has been flowing out of this country into private bank accounts ,, I feel it started with the clinton presidency and greenspan knew about it ,,,it all will come tumbling down like a house of cards,, Osama is dead,, the talaban will be slowly wiped out and it will end,,, peace,,, no more power,,, nuclear power will come to pass as the new power,,, usa is going to be on upswing,, smaller cars being built in the usa ,, manufactuing will start again in the usa ,,, illegals will be given passes to stay in the usa but have to check in and their economy in Mexico will improve and mexicans will return to their country as it will be up an coming in resources and building,, americans will pile over to mexico ,,, and it will be the new luxury vacation area,, the drugs problem will be settled as the corruption in mexico will have a new and powerful leader,, pot will be legalized and willbring money to the Usa,,, Dr. Murray will get off on his case as Jackson wanted him to have these drugs,,, Murray is not guilty and get off,,, jacksons choice and he hired him for this matter,,, not murder and didn,t intentionally plan to kill jackson,, he will get off,,,

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